Thursday, November 7, 2013

Economical Case Management

One of the tools that every Private Investigator needs is a good Case Management System. A Case Management System tracks your cases, gives you a billing and quote system, tracks expenses, keeps up with your contacts, and a good Case Management System links all of these tasks together.

I have used various Case Management Systems throughout my career as a Private Investigator. I have seen good Case Management Systems and I have seen useless Case Management Systems. I have paid a small fortune for Case Management Systems, and I have used free Case Management Systems. Here I am going introduce you to what I consider to be the best Case Management System that I have ever used, and the most economical Case Management System that I have ever used. This is a Case Management System that is always getting better and better due to frequent updates.

Introducing UPVISE!

Upvise was not designed strictly for the Private Investigation Business, it was designed to be a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), but it just so happens that every single part of Upvise was designed in such a way that it is literally perfect for a Case Management System.

Below is a screenshot of just a few of the sections of Upvise that are useful to the Private Investigator:

And Upvise does not stop there. It has a section for Medical Records, Work Orders, Ideas, Quotes Of The Day, A Wiki, Time Sheets, and it even has search engine capability right from with Upvise. You can upload files directly to your cases on Upvise, even directly from Google Drive or Drop Box to Upvise. And everything is tied together and linked neatly for you to maneuver any part of the system for information on your cases. It is also securely cloud based, so you can use it from ANY Mobile OS, from iOS to Android to Windows Mobile to Blackberry Mobile, any tablet, any cell phone. It is one of the most well organized, user friendly, and beautiful Case Management Systems that I have ever used. It also gives the Admin full control of the system, so sections can be limited, or completely not accessible to members of your team; like the sales section, so you can keep your finances private.

Imagine all of these options for just $50.00/per user, per month? Not bad? Now imagine all of these options for $50.00/per user, per YEAR! That is the cost of Upvise, $50.00/per use, per year or under $5.00/per user, per month.  Personally, I have never seen a decent Case Management System that is as affordable as this. But this is not just a decent Case Management System, this is by far one of the very best I have ever used, and I have used A LOT of Case Management Systems.

You can even access your mobile phone camera directly from Upvise, take a picture or as many pictures as you want, and upload them directly to your case. The system is searchable by section, or system wide. It even does automatic back-ups for the user at any interval, and any time of day you choose.

Customer Service on Upvise is great, responses are timely, and if something get "broken" on Upvise the developer has it fixed very quickly. There is a blog with updates, and a forum on Google Groups for you to communicate with other Upvise users.

If I had to recommend only one tool for a Private Investigator, that would be the most useful to the Private Investigator; this would be it!

Hopefully, you'll take a look at this wonderful Case Management System. Try it out, you have nothing to lose, since the first month is absolutely FREE.